Thursday, March 29, 2012

Grow light propped on pots for today

My tomatoes are about two to three inches tall. I could see that they were getting to the point that legginess, could be a problem soon. I turned four two gallon pots upside down and propped the grow light on it. It placed the lights about three to four inches above the plants. Tomorrow Allan is going to put 2x4's under the pots just to get the light a wee bit higher. I need a bit of room to spray the seedlings. I am going to pick up a little fan tomorrow to gently blow the seedlings. I've read that you get MUCH stronger plants this way. It makes perfect sense to me. I will take pictures very soon. The greenhouse is glowing right now. It looks wonderful. I'm going to give the plants the light they are craving tonight and put it on a timer tomorrow. I'm going to copy my friend Brenda's setting. On at 8am and off at 10pm. Thanks for all the seedling advice Brenda.


  1. I have found that you can get 4' florescent for free at the pet store. The have to change them out when the light on the fish tanks drop into the red area of light. Thats good because thats the area plants love. They can't through them away and they can't sell them, so check your pet store for bulbs when needed! At least they do here!

  2. How exciting...please post photos soon. Just planted my tomato seeds..late late late!! Sounds as if you are doing a good job there Erin.

  3. Thanks for the tip Clint. We have a pet store in town that sells fish. I'll talk to him.
    I'll get those pictures up today Brenda. My light propping technique has placed the light about three inches above the tomatoes but I can get a picture. Oh, I'm going to do it right now. Any excuse to watch a plant grow!!!

  4. Picture delay. Won't outside, got the camera poised. Dead battery. I went back to the house grabbed Allan's camera. The bottom was hanging there and the battery...on the charger.

  5. Not won't....went. Darned autocorrect!! Funny thing, it actually changed darned to drone. Hee hee.

  6. Well were not meant to happen today. I took my camera to the store. Charged the battery. Didn't have time to take any pictures there. Then came home and forgot my camera and my new little fan, cord and multi plug thing that I got for the greenhouse all sitting in the back room. What the heck!! Soon I promise.

  7. Looking forward to seeing the pics, Erin. It's always interesting to compare progress with other gardeners.

  8. Tomatoes germinated here..what's that..three days! Took Niki Jabbour's advice from her blog at Year Round Vegetable Gardener..took the plastic covers off and dropped the lights just a few inches above the new babies. Oh's it's a big family this year...yup!! Photos on blog soon I hope. Now "giddy up", I told them!

  9. I cannot wait for your pictures!!!!
