Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rhubarb about four feet across

Four foot rhubarb...far cry from last years plant.
Fortex beans in the hot sun today.
One remaining raspberry has some new growth.


  1. Your sun drenched photos are a sight for sore eyes Erin! We're into another week of grey skies and rain here in the UK. Today started off very pleasantly with a hint of blue skies but it didn't last. My veg could really do with some heat!!

    1. Hi Caro. I feel for you. We had a very long winter and this is the first real stretch of sun for us. The beans have at least tripled in size since the weekend. I hope you get sun soon.

  2. My Runner Beans are doing well, despite the lack of sunshine. If we had sun as well as moisture the beans would be 20 feet tall by now!
    Have you picked any of that Rhubarb, or are you letting it build up strength for next year?

  3. Hi Mark. We got some sun this week and I can't believe how fast the beans are growing. I am really looking forward to it. I haven't had a been in about 40 years. I am letting the rhubarb build strength this year. I'm a bit nervous after last years rhubarb fiasco, so I want to make sure. It does look full enough to grab a few stalks though doesn't it.

  4. Erin, you know I have to start my fortex inside although I do put some in the ground...those I start inside have an advance against bugs. They are now, about the size of yours, although the tendrils are high up... Mine went in, both seed and transplant about three weeks ago. Let's compare first Fortex okay.

    1. Hi Brenda. You're on!! Although, you are at a slight advantage. I've never grown a bean before, so I won't know when it's ready.
