Monday, September 03, 2012

Bean blanching day and a totally full freezer

Yesterday we plugged in the freezer. You would have no idea why this is such a big deal. I have been trying to get Allan to agree to plug in the freezer for about a year. We bought a new fridge back then that has a much smaller capacity freezer in large part due to the freaking enormous ice storage bucket for the ice in the door. It takes up about a third of the freezer. I digress. Our freezer is SOOOO packed with stuff that you literally can't get another thing in it. I have been begging him to plug in the freezer since last year. Allan-"I'll rearrange things and make room". He is energy minded and a titch financially minded. aka....frugal. I have quite a bit of freezing to do and I want to freeze a lot of fruit. I cannot believe it...he plugged it in. Now I have an abundance of room. It's just a small freezer but to me, today, it feels like a walk-in.
Actual bean blanching pics to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Heh..your beans look like mine! ;-) Will look forward to more bean photos.
