Sunday, May 26, 2013

In spite of the rain, it was an awesome day in the garden. Lemons are picked. Juicing to follow.

The lemons have been picked and will be juiced tonight. Aren't they gorgeous. It is an old ice cream bucket for scale. 

This is my lettuce and spinach bed. On the right is a row of Chinese Radishes. They are red inside and white around the outside. They aren't ready yet, but I will show you when they are. These are about a foot across. Last year I planted these. They grew to about three inches and stayed a pale yellow for months. Never grew more than a root. This year, the alpaca manure has totally changed the gardening experience. 

A close up of the Chinese Radishes. 

I picked three bunches of Greek Oregano to dry. I couldn't figure out where to put them, so I hung them on the cat toy retrieval tool. If you think it looks suspiciously like a fishing rod, you are right!! We keep a fishing rod in the kitchen to get the little spongy cat balls out from under the stove. Today, I have a Herb Drying rod!!


  1. Thanks for the smile this morning. Sunny lemons and fishing rod for cat balls. Got to love it.

    Great radishes BTW.

  2. I can picture the smell in your kitchen as the Oregano dries. I love that herb.

  3. Between the oregano and lemons, the kitchen smelled amazing!!
