Wednesday, June 04, 2014

And just a year ago I couldn't grow a nasturtium.

Last year and the year before I tried to grow nasturtiums for salads. They were so so. Pale leaves and maybe eight inches across at best. I honestly thought it was the variety I had chosen. I spread a lot of compost in the greenhouse beds this past winter. I planted lettuce, which you can see in the bed behind the nasturtium. Isn't it lovely. It is so delicious. Anyway, in the compost were seeds of tomatoes, dill and this one nasturtium. A seed from last years mini's. It is now about 4 by 3 feet. And you can see how many flowers. They are VERY spicy. Seeds from this baby are a must. 


  1. How wonderful Erin. Love the color.

  2. Oh my! That looks glorious!

  3. Beautiful...they will definitely be on my to grow list!!
