There are holes all around my greenhouse, about 6" apart.
This is part of the new garden. The garden I've wrecked my shoulder smoothing out these layers to perfection. {it is on the mend but taking forever} These holes are all over both back yards but worse next door.
So, for now, the feeder is sitting on the counter.
Am I wrong to blame the squirrel? I have not seen him doing this. It would NOT hold up in court as it's purely circumstantial. Can anyone confirm that it is indeed squirrel mayhem?
PS...he will not be harmed, I'm just removing his food and hoping he moves on before he finds my bulbs.
My garden had holes in it all last winter. I would fill them in, and they would reappear in a slightly different spot. Come spring I found a mouse's nest all filled with fluff. It took me all spring to finally get the little critter out and away from my veggies that got nibbled to the roots. - Margy
ReplyDeleteOh I love mice. How cute would that be!!
DeleteYes, this is typical squirrel behaviour. I find that they also often bury nuts and seeds (e.g. chestnuts) so you may find some plants (such as chestnut trees!) coming up in unexpected places.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see want I get. I'm certain there will be sunflowers EVERYWHERE!!!
DeleteIf it were my yard, I would say raccoon (night behavior and that's why you don't see them) or skunk. Raccoons dig up the grubs in the soil. I have never seen our red squirrels dig up my lawn, but they do bury acorns and such in the forest. I don't think they like getting their hands dirty ;-)
ReplyDeleteI will keep my eyes open. We do have raccoons around here. Hmmmm.