Saturday, March 02, 2019

Victoria Orchid Show. What a lovely day.

This incredibly beautiful orchid is called Laeliocattleya Drumbeat ‘Heritage’ It was the best in show winner. I was so awestruck I did not get a shot of the whole plant. It is about three feet across and had may be 30-50 or orchids on it. The most beautiful and spectacular plant I’ve seen in 40 years of growing. 

I bought a tiny Dendrobium Amethystoglossum like this. 

I was looking for one of these, but there were none to be had. 
Oncidium Sphacelatum. 

This is a Pinterest photo of an Oncidium Twinkle ‘Pink Perfection’. 
I went to the orchid show with a wish list. This was on the list and I found a very small one. I am pretty excited!!!

I bought a medium size Paphiopedilum Yi-Ying Morning Sun. 
(This is not my plant just a lovely image from the internet)

Blc King of Taiwan
A very large flowered beautiful orchid I chose. (Also not my actual plant)

1 comment:

  1. I have heard that comments aren’t working properly. Is this true?
