I really did not expect to get out in the yard today. I was pleasantly surprised by the weather. It was cold, but not raining. I put on my usual garden garb. Red plaid flannel shirt, pink flowered rubber boots and an old plush lined denim jacket. I wanted to get my elephant into the greenhouse for the winter and you know how one thing leads to another.
Allan had placed the two bags of bunny hay and poo into the greenhouse. I realized they weren't open so I opened one and saw that what I had been told was true. It was starting to decompose. So I poured it out of the bags and spread it on the gardens. I put some in the compost as I've heard that it really gets the compost going!! I love my compost.
I then heard the distinct sound of raking. Raking can only mean one thing. LEAVES!!! Next door neighbor Barb was raking her leaves. I went over and helped and carried back garbage cans of leaves to throw in bin 2 which is holding the leaves I've been collecting. It is really full. I am going to Slegg this week to pick up the wire to make the wire ring for leaves.
I can't even be reasonable about compost and mulch. I am in LOVE with it. Today Allan and I used our really cool peeler to peel another batch of organic apples given to me by Karen. I ended up with three big bowls of peels and cores. What is it about taking pails of peels outside to put in a compost bin, that feels so good?
Do you know what else feels really good. The smell of a wonderfully easy Apple Brown Betty cooking for dessert. Does this house ever smell wonderful right now.