Friday, July 27, 2012

Time to beautify the garden paths

I have been killing grass and buttercups for quite a while this year. Once I got a proper sprayer for my vinegar solution, the killing factor intensified. You can't get the coverage using a hand sprayer...and the toll it takes on your hand after a few weeks/months is pretty brutal. The secret to killing buttercups is this. Spray the buttercups and cover the leaves completely. Then hold the spray nozzle on the ground to let it soak in to the root a little bit. I was able to kill them in one or two applications. I was up to 15 sprays with the hand sprayer and still couldn't kill them. So it must be the deeper spraying that did it. I am thrilled. I have one path in the garden pretty much clear of grass etc, so I took a little stash of redwood mulch that I had tucked away and spread it along the one side of the garden. Oh my gosh, it looks so much better. Now I'm anxious to finish it off.
Yet to be done.


  1. The path looks good, but it wouldn't stay that neat for long if it were in my garden. The Blackbirds would kick the stuff all over the place!

    1. Wow!...that's one problem we don't have here. I feel for you. Wildlife can be pesky, but we love them.

  2. I love your pot!

  3. Why thank you Caydog. Isn't it such a lovely robins egg blue. {I'll be watching you when you visit}

  4. I like the view from your deck. The path looks so great...fine job Erin.

    1. Thank you Brenda. I'm really happy with how it looks. I can't wait to get it finished.
