Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Patisson Panache Jaune et Verte Squash - (pre 1856)

It took me a long time to find seeds for this amazing Pattypan Squash. About a decade ago I bought some seeds from Botanical Interests. I ran out of seed and they no longer carry them. It took me years of searching to find a company with any in stock. I found them in Canada from Heritage Harvest Seed. I find them beautiful and delicious. These are my first pattypans with the beautiful green stripes. I am so happy. 

Saturday, June 08, 2024

The cottage garden is doing so beautifully this year

Iris Pallida "Argenta Variegata"

Iris " Feel the Thunder" ?


Sorbet peony

Edith Wolford iris

Butter and Sugar Siberian iris

Pinks NOID

Saturday, May 11, 2024

For only the second time in my life, I've seen Aurora Borealis

I feel blessed to have been on the planet for many decades, and it never ceases to astound me with its beauty and constant gifts to us. I have been an astronomy geek my whole life and last night was amazing. We had a G5 Solar Storm that made this magic happen. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Can I really be thinking Christmas in March?

I have LOVED Christmas all of my life. I listen to the music year round and look forward to the decorating, baking, wreath making and cooking the turkey. I have been doing it all for 50 years and a bit. It never gets tired. See how easily I can go off on a tangent when it was simply a plant that triggered this post. I have been looking for a red Amaryllis since moving to this little island four years ago. They are not easy to find when you can't just pop into stores at will because going anywhere is a ferry ride. A wonderful neighbour just gifted me an amaryllis plant in full leaf and green buds. I asked what colour it is... she said she thought it was red. Today the first flower started to open. It is indeed a red. It was in the sun and had sparkle on it. 

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

I have been trying to find a David Austin Lady of Shalott rose for two years

Finally. A David Austin Lady of Shalott rose in my garden. They are so gorgeous they take my breath away. Thank you Dinter Nursery in Duncan. I got it planted right away. Lots of compost mixed in. I am a happy gardener. 

I really grow flowers not only look at in the garden, but to pick for the house. I always picture how they will look in a vase. 

Saturday, January 06, 2024

I added a little something to my chandelier

I found some bright red crystal drops and some other red crystals, but stopped myself before I added anything more. It kind of takes my breath away in the evening.