Sunday, November 06, 2011

Wow, post #100 already!!! The sun is out...I see gardening in my future.

I have reached the 100 post milestone. Wow, it went by very quickly. Thank you to all of you who have found me and read my blog. It means the world to me.

I received a package of seeds from Joan at My Mountain Garden Gleanings. Thank you Joan. Deer Tongue Lettuce and a package of mixed greens. Joan did a post about collecting seeds so it made it very special to me that she had grown the plants and collected the seeds. I am too new to have very many collected seeds, but I am letting my lettuce bolt. It still hasn't formed anything that looks like a flower. It's only about a foot tall. So I'm not sure I'll get any seeds other than my and my sisters marigolds. I'll be more on the seed part of things next year.

It is a beautiful sunny day in Sidney by-the-sea today. It's cool but sunny. And we had a time change last night, so I'll have some extra gardening time this morning. I forgot my camera at the store, so today's pictures will have to wait. Too bad, it is a golden and sunny, beautiful day. We will have more of those, right? Today two big bags of straw and bunny poop arrived at my house. Thank you Caroline and your bunnies.


Jane said...

What exciting things arrive at your house...I get bills, you get 'poop'...much the same thing I guess :0) x

Dewi said...

Congratulation Erin! Looking forward to see more wonderful posts from you garden.

HolleyGarden said...

Congrats reaching your 100th post milestone. I hope your lettuce sets seed. What a feeling of accomplishment it will be to have lettuce from seed that you collected yourself!

Barbarapc said...

Fear not. The seeds will appear, but first you will have some very pretty flowers depending on the variety. My favourite old lettuce is Black Seeded Simpson. It has the most amazing bright chartreuse/green leaves. I let it self seed and can spot its bright leaves starting up around the garden. Congratulations on post #100!

Erin said...

Thanks everyone!!
Hi Barbara. We have been getting frost, will that stop the flowering, or am I just a worry wart, or is that wort? Hmmmm.

Bridget said...

Well done on reaching this milestone. Long may you carry on.

Curbstone Valley Farm said...

Ah, Erin, you can always tell a true gardener...they get excited at the prospect of poop ;) For us it was garden gold hauled in from a local stable. Our compost pile will be really cooking this winter! Congratulations on post 100!

Erin said...

I am really torn. I have a store. Stores have front windows. I really want to put up a sign asking for donations of poop. I think I'll do just that after Christmas. Yah!!!!