Friday, November 16, 2012

Growing greens in flats. Making vanilla.

The post has nothing to do with my batch of vanilla, but isn't it pretty?
I keep seeing greens planted in flats in book, blogs...everywhere. I have decided to give it a try. They are often grown in the house under lights. I have plant eating cats, so it would never survive. I have decided to try it in the greenhouse. I won't use the lights unless I think I need them.


Mark Willis said...

In the UK a flat is what you call an apartment; and we call your type of flat a seed-tray. All very confusing! And what is "making vanilla" about? Are you flavouring something with vanilla, or growing the pods??

Gardeningbren said...

Great idea!

Love the photo Erin.

Erin said...

Thank you Brenda. I can't wait to see if anything came up the past couple days.

Erin said...

Hi Mark...I understand the confusion. The vanilla is brewing in that glass jar. I should have clarified Vanilla Extract. It's vodka and vanilla beans.

George said...

Erin, sounds like you are half way to delicious Kahlua. If you are not making it, please google Kahlua and be prepared for scrumptious.

Gardeningbren said...

My arugula germinated quickly in the coldframe. We had some great sun today. Yours should be up and running!!

Erin said...

It doesn't look like anything new is up, but some of the lettuce in the greenhouse bed should be at 'tiny salad size' in a couple weeks. Yayyy.

Erin said...

Good advice George. What am I doing wasting my time making vanilla. Kahlua. Yummmmm.

Chris said...

Hi Erin, greetings from Northern Ontario. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris