Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Greenhouse is making great progress. Part 3.

Look, the greenhouse addition has glass and is almost done. There is a strip of metal needed to join the two sections where they meet externally. Then a cross bracing piece must be added near the roof where the framing still exists on the inside where the two greenhouses meet. They have to come out, so the greenhouse needs extra support there.

I have started cleaning the old white paint off of three of the glass panes. The whole greenhouse was painted at one point to keep the sun from beating on the orchids. It was a thin layer of paint, but now the very last of it is coming off. I have tennis elbow so it was not an easy job. The other two are behind the guava, so I will need to get the plant out first. I can't do it at that angle.

The ground is very solid right now, but I would like to see how full of roots the soil is. I don't know whether or not the citrus can go in the ground in there. The suspense is killing me.


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