Thursday, March 02, 2017

Snowdrops....I love Snowdrops

I adore Snowdrops. Here on Vancouver Island they are the first bulb to flower in the spring. This year they were blooming when we left for Hawaii on Feb 1st. We returned home yesterday to a full bloom situation. I wanted to take a few photos to show me where they are planted. I need to know this because I like to add more every fall. Then I thought, why not share these with you so you can see how cute they are too.
A couple months ago we had a power outage and the greenhouse went down to zero one night...I was concerned about the orchids. They all survived, except this one. This is a Miltonia Orchid. You can see that even the green leaves and Pseudobulbs have started to turn brown from the bottom. That means dead. So now we know.


Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

I am a fan of snowdrops as well and promise myself every year that I am going to plant some! They are a wonderful sight in late winter.

Pam's English Garden said...

I love snowdrops, too, Erin. How lovely that you returned to such beauty after your trip. Unfortunately, mine are under 2 feet of snow now. P. x

Erin said...

Oh dear Pam. You aren't getting a break down there are you.