Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The back yard makeover, four months in the making...done.

The relief and joy I am feeling.....I can barely put into words. I knew it was going to be a heavy and long project. I just couldn't bring myself tear everything out and send it to the compost facility, even though it would have been about a three week project instead of four months. I just felt I had to hand sort all the mulch and pick out the bigger wood chips. Then carefully gather up the compost and manure and move all of it into the gardens that will remain. So some of it went way over to the other side of the far yard. One wheelbarrow at a time....{are you feeling ANY sympathy yet, or do I need to get even more dramatic?}, in the hot sun, for about four months. This past weekend, I got the rest of the back yard grass seeded, and sprinklers set up. I wish I had that on video.....the tap is actually located in the sprinkler overlap, so as I was trying to get them aligned perfectly, I was in the path of at least one sprinkler almost the whole time. It was pretty funny actually, I looked like a drowned rat.

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