Monday, February 27, 2012

Every single garlic sprouted. The slugs have decimated the chard.

Yayyyy. Garlic.
I drove to Marigold Nursery yesterday. It was hailing. Hailing hard. It was actually like a blizzard of hail. I also had to navigate the interchange from hell. I'm not sure but I think they've changed the signage. It wasn't as tricky this time. It was VERY cold and my sister and I froze. That didn't stop me though. Here's the shopping list. I bought two Meeker Raspberries, one red currant, a Sorbet peony, lily of the valley pips, a packet of Jarrahdale pumpkin, lemon cukes and nasturtium seeds. I got some coconut fibre pots, soilless mix for seeding and clay pots for Christmas cacti. I planted one Meeker Raspberry and discovered that the ground was absolute mud. Didn't plant anymore but I did take a large division of my amazing chive plant for Jess. My mom bought the chive plant in Alberta. She brought me a piece of it about ten years ago? It grows super tall. A least two feet tall. And the chive stems are really large so when you slice them they make good sized rings. I love that plant.
It's just after 3 here and the snow / hail has just finally melted. There was about an inch of it this morning.
Backyard at about one today.
I did my usual walkabout. The previously awesome chard has been decimated by slugs.
Former Bright Lights Chard

Slug decimated cauliflower
I have decided that I am going to try Sluggo. A lot of organic gardeners swear by it. I have heard of others who won't use it. After chatting back and forth with Erica from Northwest Edible Life, I've decided I need to do something. In one night slugs took out a whole planting of lettuce in the greenhouse.
It is wonderful to see that all of the garlic has sprouted. The brussel sprouts have tiny little Brussels forming. I LOVE gardening. Don't love slugs, but I LOVE gardening.

Some happy sights in my garden today.
White primrose
Baby brussels
Last but not least, I believe these are tiny little out-of-focus flower
buds on my Shiro Plum.


Gardeningbren said...

Don't you just love spring!!! Almost here...Shiro Plum buds indeed ...

Jane and Chris said...

We don't get many slugs here, thank goodness. Sooooo jealous that you are able to garden this time of year!
Jane x

Erin said...

I do, I really do love spring!! I'm also a bit envious of the 'no slug' thing.

Mark Willis said...

I'm just about ready to plant my Spring-planted garlic. I hope the slugs will not destroy it.

Erin said...

Are the slugs a big problem in england Mark?