Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rainier Cherry branch tiedown...amateur edition

Not too clear...but you get the idea
Our dwarf cherry has a leader branch and three side branches. We pruned the leader back a bit. I recommend that you drive stakes into the ground under the three side branches and attach them by cord and pull them to almost horizontal. You will get more fruit and it will grow less vigorously which is desirable for a dwarf tree.


Gardeningbren said...

Makes perfect sense and what a good fellow to help you out with that. For a dwarf fruit tree...this was awesome advice and I appreciate knowing it and seeing the technique.

Erin said...

You'll have to send pics if you do the same some day.

Mark Willis said...

Poor thing. It looks as if it is undergoing some sort of fiendish torture!

Erin said...

It's true Mark. It's a price the poor little thing has to pay. :-)