Friday, September 30, 2011

A photo collection of fall garden images.

Lettuce in the greenhouse for winter

Perdita Rose opening today. That's a team player.

Flower forming on the small sunflower

One of my favorites. Aster.

A casualty of the rain.


Anonymous said...

Poor tomato. I pulled mine already, all except one. I love Asters too.

Joan said...

Beautiful rose and gorgeous asters!

Mark Willis said...

That rose is spectacular. However many petals does it have???

GirlSprout said...

I like how the first four photos are variations on a theme and all convey an unfurling of sorts.

Gardeningbren said...

Really great to see what's growing on your side of Canada Erin. So, you are growing your lettuce in that lovely greenhouse! Asters are just in bloom here also, and a few lovely roses spotted as well. Great photos.

Erin said...

Hi is q wonderful David Austin rose. Number of petals......unknown. :-) I love this rose. It grows to about seven feet if I prune it now and again. I hard prune it in spring. What I love about DA roses is the old form of rose and the overbearing of the new. Do you have any?
Hi Girlsprout...thank you for noticing the theme!!
Gardeningbren...hello my friend. It's a coincidence you post today. Since last night I have been reading your blog archive again. I think its the very best Canadian blog out there. And one of the best period. Your use of photos is amazing and I've learned a lot from you.

Erin said...

GB...yes, I have nestled some mixed lettuce and romaine in between the basil rows. I will be taking out most of the basil and growing lettuce there. And at the other end of that bed, I'm going to put in spinach for salads. I'm going to set the temp in there at about five degrees. Its an experiment, as I'm new to this, but from what I've read, it should work. In the winter whitefly can be a problem in the greenhouse. I'll keep you posted.

Gardeningbren said...

Dear Erin..thanks for the great blog comments which I responded to, and hope you were able to read.... but (blush)...your hugely kind words about the blog; guess I am rather overwhelmed with that but I do certainly love doing the blog and have met on blogsphere some wonderful folks. Wish I had known you when I was out west. Thanks very very much.

Think I will start some seeds inside too, thanks for the inspiration. I was getting kind of (dare I admit) tired of the garden, but last year we did harvest lettuce for quite a long time in the summerhouse, until the white fly got to be too much. I hear ya sister!!

Jane said...

Beautiful photos Erin!! :0)

Alistair said...

Great old style Rose, the David Austin ones don't do so well in Aberdeen, I think our Summers are too cool for their liking. I also had a small store which I ran for thirty years, one thing I don't miss is the early morning newspapers. Alistair

Anonymous said...

I love the Perdita rose and the asters...such lovely flowers

Erin said...

Alistair...I feel bad that you can't grow David Austin roses. They are perfect if you love the old style.
Jane...thank you. I really love photography almost as much as gardening.
Mama nene...I totally agree with you. Aren't they so lovely.